Monday, June 11, 2012


A little guy that we love turned 6 years old a couple weeks ago. Hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday that Justin drove Caiah and I home to Ottawa to meet our first nephew. I was so unprepared for the depth of love that would overwhelm my heart when I met him.

You were this tiny little baby. The first child of the next generation. Even before you were born, we all loved you so much, Jakson. But then we met you. And you were perfect. Perfect. I remember looking at Aunt Caiah when she held you for the first time, tears streaming down her face, and she looked over at me and I saw on her face total wonder... disbelief at this incredible little person in her arms. My own tears were for the same reason. I remember wondering how it was possible that we loved you so much already. Six years old, you are now. Such a big boy. And you're such a wonderful big boy. Kind. Funny. So clever. So charming. A truly amazing big cousin to all the other little people in the Ganz Family. I can't imagine life without you being a part of it, Jakson.
I'm so thankful for a big sister who, though living far away, is keeping our children close, part of each others lives. It was so great to have them all come to spend Jakson's birthday weekend with us here in Toronto. Some of the highlights were caught on camera: new hightops, talking to Aunt Nat on the phone, Aunt Shosh spending every spare moment cuddling baby Ella, the best sushi dinner ever (Jakson's choice!), and, of course, no birthday would be complete without candles and cake.